Thursday, August 26, 2010

English Oral Assessment on next Monday

The pupils have learnt how to use the Audacity program to record their own reading. The reading rubrics for assemssment were also explained to them. Some of the recordings were played in class and the pupils listened to their friends' reading and did peer evaluation. Next Monday, pupils will be taking their English oral test. The marks (10%) will be included in the S.A.2.

To get a good grade, pupils should:
(1) pronounce the words clearly (e.g. do not forget the last consonant sounds, e.g. sat, days, rests, like)
(2) read fluently (do not give a jerky delivery)
(3) read at an appropriate pace (with appropriate pauses after commas and full-stops)
(4) read with expression (with varying pitch and appropriate tone)
(5) be loud enough to be clear (should not be too soft or too loud)

I have listened to the pupils' recordings and most of them are able to read fluently. However, a number of them missed out the last consonant sounds. Some of them read in a monotone and a few were too soft. Please help your child to practise reading before the test. Thank you.

Reminder: There will be an English Quiz tomorrow.

CA2 and SA2 Matters

There is NO CA2 for P1 level.
SA2 is from the last week of October to the first week of November.
The actual dates will be released next term.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Math Updates

We have completed the topics on:
1) Nos. to 40
2) Mental Calculation
3) Multiplication
4) Division

There will be a class test on the first three topics next Monday, 30th Aug.
We will also be completing the topic on TIME by the end of Term 3.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Our Ice-cream Party

Dear boys and girls, did you enjoy our ice-cream party? Remember to thank Mrs Tan and our 3 friends from 5A, Wilbert, Manwin and Thu Ta, who helped out. I'm pleased that you were cooperative and helped to clean up the classroom after the party. Which of the ice-cream flavours (chocolate, vanilla and raspberry) did you like best? Which toppings (marshmallows, M&M chocolates, raisins and rainbow rice) did you select for your ice cream?

Rainbow Day 3 (Video)

Now you can watch your performance again ....

Monday, August 2, 2010

Ice-cream Party

The pupils read 'The Giant's Ice Cream' and will be having an ice-cream party this week. Please remind your child to hand in the consent form tomorrow. The ice-cream flavours are vanilla, chocolate and raspberry and the toppings include M&M chocolates, marshmallows, raisins and rainbow rice. Do write down in the form any food allery your child may have. Thank you.