Saturday, October 23, 2010

English Revision

Please note that the following files have been returned to pupils for revision:

1) English Worksheet File - all STELLAR worksheets, revision papers, L.C. practice papers
2) English Writing Folio - all compositions, model compositions (please take special note of the latest model compositions given out on Monday, 18 October)

Pupils have to complete another set of revision paper and hand it in on Monday, 25 October.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Math Updates/ Others

We have completed the whole Math syllabus.  These are the areas of concern for most of the pupils:
1.  eg. 100 - 37 (double renaming required)

2. Time interval - eg. Two hours after 1 o'clock is ______; 3 hours before 4 o'clock is ______.

3. Before/After - eg. 65 comes just before ______ (ans: 66)
                                ______ comes just after 19 (ans: 20)

4. Tens and Ones - eg. 43 + 20 = ______ tens 13 ones (ans: 5)
                                     65 + 12 = ______ tens 17 ones (ans: 6)
                                     30 + 21 = 4 tens _____ ones (ans: 11)

5. Conversion of Money - eg. $30 = 15 two-dollar notes
                                               50cents = 5 ten cent coins

6. Pupils need to remember to show Number Sentences and workings for Section C - Problem sums

For pupils who have not handed in their Health Booklets and Health Screening Forms (green & purple), please do so by Monday, 25 Oct.

Friday, October 1, 2010

English S.A.2 Paper 1 & L.C.

1) English S.A.2 Paper 1 (Composition) - 27 Oct (Wednesday)
2) English S.A.2 (Listening Comprehension) - 27 Oct (Wednesday)

Please note that Listening Comprehension includes Spelling, Listening for sound discrimination and Listening for picture matching.